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Your Care Home in Immingham

Glyn Thomas Care Home in Immingham is a homely 37 bed specialist residential, respite and day care home for older people and people with Dementia. 
Established in 2011, we are fully registered with the Care Quality Commission and we have received excellent comments on our quality of care. Following our recent inspection we have been deemed fully compliant with CQC standards.

The care home is owned by a Doctor/ medical consultant who has a passion for delivering quality care.  
Most of our residents are referred through word of mouth.  Please come and visit us at any time.

Glyn Thomas House offers a skilled and welcoming day care service to members of the whole community and surrounding areas. Glyn Thomas House is within walking distance of the town centre and the many facilities that Immingham has to offer, including a swimming pool and library. Families can rest assured that their loved ones are cared for by a specialised team, whether visiting for a few hours or a full day giving all involved a comfortable and relaxing break. 


We specialise in the care of older people and people with early to medium symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. We also provide respite care and day care services. Glyn Thomas House offers a safe and secure environment for all vulnerable adults, especially those with Dementia. The layout of the home enables us to care for resident’s personal needs and requirements. Residents with sensory needs are also cared for with the help of special sensory equipment and specially trained staff. Cultural and Religious needs are also catered for with several in house services each month. Our equal opportunities policy is adhered. All Service Users are treated equally whatever their colour, gender, religion, disability or socio-economic background. The home is organised so as to meet the individual needs and well-being of every guest.

Our Service Users are at the centre of all the activities and customer care is our main focus point. Service Users and their families, with input from health professionals, are fully involved in the planning, monitoring and review of care to ensure the Service User’s individual physical, social and emotional needs are met on an ongoing basis.

Philosophy of Care

Contact Us/ Brochure Requests
My daughter said the other day, let’s go home. I told her ‘but I am home’. We have a lovely group here and we get on with everyone and help everyone.
   -Joyce, Resident

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Or Call: 01469 650991

© 2018 by Glyn Thomas House

Please call us for any enquiries

Call 01469 650991

350 Pelham Road
DN40 1PU

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